原田 裕規 Yuki Harada

TERRADA ART AWARD 2023 Finalist Exhibition
January 10th – January 28th, 2024, Warehouse TERRADA G3-6F (Tokyo)

TERRADA ART AWARD 2023 ファイナリスト展
2024年1月10日 – 1月28日、寺田倉庫 G3-6F(東京)

“I myself don’t go anywhere. I myself am always there, waiting for me to return, like a shadow.” These lines are part of the script in this work.
Emigrants who journeyed to Hawaii from Japan helped to create a transnational culture symbolized by Hawaiian Pidgin through their interaction with other cultures and languages. The work re-enacts the process they presumably experienced. This re-enactment is based on the layering of voices through “shadowing” of the sort used in language learning and the layering of emotions by tracking my facial expressions on digital humans.
The farther we go, the more we end up returning to ourselves—this is human nature. That we feel we must go forward anyway is human instinct. I want to express this distorted, powerful movement in the entire space.


Photo: Katsura Muramatsu

Jury’s Comment (Yukie Kamiya / Art Critic, Independent Curator)
Yuki Harada has been conducting research on Japanese immigrants in Hawaii for the past years. It can be said that prior to the Lahaina disaster on Maui Island that occurred in the summer of 2023, Harada had already developed the perspectives to take a serious look at the urgent issues of our time, such as global warming, immigration, and refugees. His understanding and expression take a process of listening carefully to the voices of others, encountering local histories and narratives, learning them synthetically, and transmitting them in a new visual language. It seems he is inspired by a Noh method that connects this world and beyond the grave. Transcending time and space and connecting individual existence and society, as well as others and oneself, Harada wove complex and multi-layered elements together through digital technology, overlaying with portraits, narratives, and subtitles on a single screen. Seeing the way that Harada kicks off the quest, I look forward to the next chapter of his further developments.

Finalist Comment (Yuki Harada)
I am very honored to receive the Yukie Kamiya Award. First of all, I would like to report the award to all the Japanese Americans who shadowed with me on this work- Tyler, Rene, and Larry. The plan of this work has been in my mind for several years, but when I actually started working on it, I realized that I would need the help of more than 70 people to make it a reality. Although there were many difficult moments during the largest scale production I ‘ve ever done, I am proud to have created a “new self-portrait” that reflects the modern times. At the same time, I realized once again that so many people had to be involved in realizing the expression I wanted to create, and I felt a sense of responsibility. I would like to sincerely thank everyone at Warehouse TERRADA and the jury for allowing me to gain the greatest experience to move on to the next stage. Lastly, please let me introduce a “Pidgin English translation” script by Larry, a second-generation Japanese American.
Go stay go Pakiki all da time ! Eh…no give up ‘til you pau !” (Literal translation: I’ll always resist! Ah, I won’t give up until the end!)


このたびは神谷幸江賞を受賞させていただき、大変光栄に思います。まずは本作で僕と一緒にシャドーイングをしてくれた日系アメリカ人の皆様(タイラー君、リーンさん、ラリーさん)に受賞の報告をしたいです。本作プランは数年前より温めていたものでしたが、実際に取り組んでみると、作品を実現するために 70名以上の方々の力が必要になることがわかりました。過去最大規模の制作の中で、苦しい局面も多々ありましたが、現代という時代性を反映した「新しい自画像」が立ち上がったように自負しています。それと同時に、自身が立ち上げたい表現の実現にはこれほど多くの人々が関わらざるを得ないんだということも改めて実感し、責任を感じました。次のステージに進む上で最大級の経験を積ませてくださった寺田倉庫の皆様、そして審査員の皆様に心から感謝しています。そして最後に、日系二世のラリーさんによる台本の「ピジン英語訳」を紹介させてください。
──やっぱり世の中で一ばんえらいのが人間のようでごいす/Go stay go Pakiki all da time ! Eh…no give up ‘til you pau !(直訳:いつだって抵抗する! ああ、最後まで諦めない!)

TERRADA ART AWARD 2023 Finalist Exhibition
TERRADA ART AWARD 2023 is a contemporary art award designed to support emerging artists. Although we opened the award entry in November 2022, within two months, we received 1,025 entries from Japan and abroad. To discover artists who can play an active role on the world stage, we have selected the jury with an international perspective and a deep understanding of contemporary art. As a result of the review of portfolios in the first-round screening and the review of exhibition plans in the final-round screening, the five finalists were selected.

Dates: January 10th (Wed) – January 28th (Sun), 2024
Open Hours: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Admission until 5:30 PM)
Admission: Free
Venue: Warehouse TERRADA G3-6F (Warehouse TERRADA G Building 2-6-10 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo)
Supported by Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture

TERRADA ART AWARD 2023 ファイナリスト展
「TERRADA ART AWARD 2023」は、新進アーティストの支援を目的とした現代アートアウォードです。2022年11月から約2カ月という期間にもかかわらず、国内外から1,025組の応募がありました。世界を舞台に活躍するアーティストの輩出を念頭に、国際的な視点と現代アートに関する深い見識を持つ方々を審査員に招き、ポートフォリオによる一次審査、展示プランによる最終審査の結果、5組のファイナリストが選出されました。

会期:2024年1月10日(水)– 1月28日(日)
会場:寺田倉庫 G3-6F(東京都品川区東品川2-6-10 寺田倉庫G号)
助成:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京【芸術文化魅力創出助成】

Final Jury: Takahiro Kaneshima (Associate professor of Kanazawa College of Art), Yukie Kamiya (Art Critic, Independent Curator), Yuki Terase (Art Intelligence Global Founding Partner), Daito Manabe (Founder of Rhizomatiks, artist, interaction designer, programmer, and DJ), and Meruro Washida (Director of Towada Art Center, Associate professor of Tokyo University of the Arts)

Primary Selection Jury: Ryo Ikeshiro (Artist, musician, researcher, Assistant Professor, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong), Shinji Ohmaki (Artist), Eriko Kimura (Deputy Director and Chief Curator, Hirosaki Museum of Contemporary Art), Ryutaro Takahashi (Psychiatrist, Art Collector), Yuu Takehisa (Curator, Artistic Director of Contemporary Art Center, Art Tower Mito), and Reiko Tsubaki (Curator, the Mori Art Museum)

最終審査員:金島隆弘(金沢美術工芸大学 准教授)、神谷幸江(美術評論家、キュレーター)、寺瀬由紀(アートインテリジェンスグローバル ファウンディング・パートナー)、真鍋大度(ライゾマティクス ファウンダー、アーティスト、インタラクションデザイナー、プログラマ、DJ)、鷲田めるろ(十和田市現代美術館 館長、東京藝術大学 准教授)

一次審査員:池城良(アーティスト、ミュージシャン、研究者、香港城市大学クリエイティブメディア学部 助教授)、大巻伸嗣(美術作家)、木村絵理子(キュレーター、弘前れんが倉庫美術館副館長兼学芸統括)、高橋龍太郎(精神科医、現代アートコレクター)、竹久侑(キュレーター、水戸芸術館現代美術センター 芸術監督)、椿玲子(森美術館キュレーター)

Official Website

Press Release
Announcement of TERRADA ART AWARD 2023 Finalists: Mitsuo Kim, Yuma Tomiyasu, Yuki Harada, Satoshi Murakami, and yang02 (2023.9.11)
Warehouse TERRADA to Hold TERRADA ART AWARD 2023 Finalist Exhibition from January 10th (Wed), 2024 (2023.11.8)
Announcement for TERRADA ART AWARD 2023, Each Jury’s Award for Five Finalists (2024.1.10)

Interview (JP)
I aimed to “re-enact” the contradiction of human existence in its entirety”───Yuki Harada [TERRADA ART AWARD Finalists Interview] (ARTnews JAPAN)

Articles (JP)
「TERRADA ART AWARD 2023″ Finalists Exhibition Opens at Terrada Warehouse. Notable artists Mitsuo Kim, Yuma Tomiyasu, Yuki Harada, Satoshi Murakami, and yang02 will exhibit their new works (Tokyo Art Beat)
TERRADA ART AWARD 2023 Announces Each Jury’s Award. What trends can be seen in this year’s finalists’ exhibitions? (Bijutsu Techo)


「TERRADA ART AWARD 2023」ファイナリスト、金光男、冨安由真、原田裕規、村上慧、やんツーに決定(2023.9.11)
寺田倉庫、2024年1月10日(水)より 「TERRADA ART AWARD 2023 ファイナリスト展」を開催(2023.11.8)
「TERRADA ART AWARD 2023」、ファイナリストへ授与する審査員賞が決定(2024.1.10)

「人間という存在の矛盾をまるごと“再演”することを目指した」──原田裕規【TERRADA ART AWARDファイナリスト・インタビュー】(ARTnews JAPAN)

「TERRADA ART AWARD 2023」のファイナリスト展が寺田倉庫で開幕。注目アーティストの金光男、冨安由真、原田裕規、村上慧、やんツーが新作を発表へ(Tokyo Art Beat)
「TERRADA ART AWARD 2023」、各審査員賞が発表。今年のファイナリスト展に見えてきた傾向とは?(美術手帖)